Have a testimonial about the Forums? Send us your quote!
The following are testimonials from Attendees, Sponsors, Gas Buyers, and Press Members.

“I would like to thank you and all at LDC for an excellent forum in NOLA. I thought the speakers and panels were exceptional. The location, networking events, and food were all wonderful.”
— Jon Hammond, Senior Director – Energy, Allianz Trade

“The Northeast Gas Forum was an incredible experience, and I’ve been enthusiastically recommending it to everyone I meet! We are looking forward to attending all future LDC Gas Forums. They are an excellent venue to network with industry professionals and gain insights from expert speakers and panelists. Truly essential gatherings for anyone in the industry.”
— Walker Anderson, Managing Director, Apollo Energy Resources

“The LDC Forums are the flagship of networking events within the natural gas commercial sector and it’s great to hear from such a diverse panel of speakers talking about many relevant topics. Thank you Cleve, Christy, Molly and everyone else in making these such great venues to gather and share.”
— Jeff Avery, Director, TVA

“Traffic for some reason was crazy returning from Chicago to Boston. Uber dropped my ride 5 times before picking me up. Home after midnight but on the trading desk bright and early. I am willing to go through that or worse to get to the Forums, a small price to pay to meet with all the wonderful and knowledgeable folks gathered! You just need to carve out the time for these important industry events.”
— Jay Baronowski, Vice President/Commercial Lead, Maple Creek Energy

“I know, the premier gas event of the year is always tops on my list for those 3 days of networking, insights, & deal making! Not to mention hearing the valuable and unique insights from the newsmakers and leaders of the industry.”
—Brandon Forrest, Senior Commodity Trader, Ameren

“The pictures are great! They totally capture the nature of the forums…important talks (everyone taking notes), deal making (lots of hand shaking) and networking (my favorite part)!!” “This year’s presentations were excellent, it is always great to hear from leaders in our industry.”
— Joanne MacGillivray, Customer Support Mgr., Atmospheric G2

“I have attended multiple LDC Gas Forums and they are always very well-run and well-attended events. The Northeast LDC Forum brought a full spectrum of market participants to provide an essential view of the gas industry, and how gas and related sectors could evolve in a decarbonizing future.”
— Matthew Piatek, Director, Gas Power and Climate Solutions, S&P Global

“The Forums are AMAZING!! I started in this industry in July of 2021 and attending the 2022 Forums helped me to close REAL DEALS through contacts made and true successful networking!! The successful networking and connecting continues in 2023!! Best events in the natural gas industry!”
— Sean Phillips, Business Development Manager, Mobile Energy Solutions, REV LNG LLC

“I believe the Southeast conference was a huge success. The sessions/speakers and networking were outstanding. I will be attending the northeast forum.”
— Jon Hammond, Senior Director – Energy, Allianz Trade

“I just wanted to say I really enjoyed the Southeast LDC Forum a few weeks ago as a first time attendee. My plan is to attend next year as well. Many of the presenters and speakers were very informative and I learned a ton about the industry. As an attendee, many of the speakers would count toward my continual education hours for my Certified Professional in Supply Management as a Fuel Buyer so this is an “added bonus” for me!” favorite part)!!”
— David Stump, Fuel Buyer, East Kentucky Power Cooperative

“Nice to have Covid in the rear mirror, that was a very well done conference last week in Savannah!”
— Darren Mosier, Strategic Account Manager, Quorum Software
“Perhaps one of my favorites yet…Well done!!”
— Chris Jackson, Sr. Director, Euler Hermes North America

“I feel strongly that you are creating a very valuable resource for our industry. Thank you!”
— David Smyth, Business Operations, Terraform Industries, Inc.

“Thank you so much for hosting us at the Gulf Coast Energy Forum in New Orleans last week. It was a well-organized event and I enjoyed it very much. Already making plans to attend the same event next year. Thank you for introducing me to the suppliers and vendors at the Forum.”
— Celso Kojima, Business Development Manager, Harvest Midstream

“Ya’ll are the best in the business. I truly enjoy the event content and the networking around and during the meetings as well. Love the LDC Forums!”
— Jeff Wiese, Vice President Business Development, Symmetry Energy Solutions, LLC

“I wanted to congratulate you on a very successful LDC forum. As a first time attendee, I can say I truly feel reinvigorated from the fun and insightful conversations that took place in Chicago! I already look forward to the next Forum.”
“It really was an incredible time in Chicago at the LDC Gas forum! The work you all do is just stunning. It’s funny, hanging out with everybody at the conference brings me the same joy as like Christmas morning!! I’m already looking forward to next year!”
— Taylor Zavala, Reporter, Natural Gas Americas, Argus Media

“The Forum was spectacular, as always!!”
— Doug Fernley, Origination, Concord Energy LLC

“The LDC Gas Forum has been a game changer for our company. I first attended the Southeast forum in Savannah this year. The conference was informative and well attended by all the players. I met up with current business partners and made new connections. After attending, I knew I had to make it up to the Chicago conference. I look forward to all the networking events, especially the boat tour.”
— Connor Heath, Sales Executive, Mansfield Power & Gas

“Christy and team, We go to a lot of conferences all over the world but your ability to think about the audience’s experience, the host’s experience, and find ways to infuse joy and inspiration is really special. Thank you so much for your support.”
— Rachael Shayne, CMO, Project Canary

“I wanted to thank you for a very nice job at the LDC Energy and Innovation Rockies & West Forum. Putting these on and doing them well is really hard work and it turned out to be a great first time experience for me! Thanks to you and the entire team!”
— Ernie Hauser, President, C-SMART Analytics

“Thanks for a great conference! Enjoyed meeting you and seeing all the familiar faces.”
— Allen Lee, Manager, West Region, ConocoPhillips Commercial Gas & Power

““I really enjoyed the conference. Very different from the ones I typically attend which focus more on the upstream part of the business, so this was an enlightening perspective.”
— Bill Martinez, EVP & COO, Mitsui E&P USA

“It was another great event in Boston! It was nice catching up with colleagues and networking with new ones. Presenters provided a consistent message demonstrating the need for current natural gas infrastructure and future expansion. Natural gas is the clean, reliable, affordable, and sustainable solution.”
— Dan Diefenbach, Director of Gas System Planning, Berkshire Hathaway Energy Company GT&S

“Thank you for putting on a world-class forum this week. This was my first time attending and I had an incredible time.”
— Charles Crews, President and Chief Executive Officer, Northeast Gas Association

“Thank you for a wonderful first LDC forum experience! It was a pleasure to have the opportunity to speak at the event; you made the experience easy and rewarding. I appreciated the ability to meet so many important industry players in one spot, expand my network, and share insights on the latest industry trends. Great team, great atmosphere, and I look forward to future events!”
— Brian Vogt, Dir Business Development, New Energy Ventures, Williams Companies

“Of all the many forums that I have attended over the years, this forum had absolutely the best groups of topics and speakers. Toby Rice was the best of the best. His Keynote Lunch speech was terrific and very informative. This was a phenomenal Forum. Great job!””Christy, Thanks again for everything you do for our industry! You and the Forums are a very important part of our business! Keep up the GREAT WORK! BY THE WAY – YOU TRULY ARE THE BEST!!”
— Greg Thompson, Vice President, Energy Management -LNG Division, Osaka Gas USA

“The MidCon Forum was an excellent platform for the RSG Panel! It was an excellent discussion by the entire panel! The whole conference was a huge success!”
— Hugh Gleason, Principal Originator, Equinor Natural Gas LLC

“LDC Gas Forums are the best conferences I have attended in the five years I have been a natgas buyer! The content and networking are excellent!! I look forward to attending each year! MUST ATTEND!”
— Greg Davis, Sr. Strategic Sourcing Manager, Superior Essex

“The Forums provide unparalleled value for all participants. Excellent and Exciting panel speakers along with truly memorable networking events. I love the Forums!!!”
— Chuck McClure, Senior Sales Executive, FIS

“I found this event to be not only informative but also a great forum to connect with people from other parts of the country.”
— Mayra Maese, Executive Vice President, Energy Worldnet

“I love the content you guys share.”
— Joe Bretz, Director, Natural Gas Accounts, Cargill

“I covered the Gas Buyers panel, which resulted in two stories alone. It was really a good one. Also hoping we can soon send a contingent of editors to a future LDC Gas Forum!”
— Carolyn Davis, Managing Editor, Natural Gas Intelligence

“Great job on the LDC Gas Forum in Chicago. I’m so happy I attended in person!”
— Fletcher Sturm

“Pandemic. Corporate travel restrictions. Venue safety protocols. A hybrid in-person and virtual event format. An industry in transition as it reinvents itself. No problem. With the deck stacked well against success, another LDC Gas Forum was executed flawlessly. Participants and sponsors once again realized and benefited from the unique value that the LDC Gas Forum brand brings.”
— Cleve Hogarth, Principal, Cleveland Advisory LLC

“I attend the Forums as I get to learn from others and also hope to contribute in meaningful ways to the industry. Selling my ‘book’ or listening to marketing pitches from others does not do service to the audience. I believe genuine knowledge sharing benefits everyone. These kinds of immediate benefits create repeat audiences for both the Forum & me. Thank you for the opportunity to share!”
— Jay Bhatty, CEO, NatGasHub.com

“Overall I made good connections and gained new insights into CNG, LNG & RNG market and learned about the future of natural gas much better. Thank you so much for organizing it!”
— Moses D. Singh, Team Leader-Energy Practice, Weston & Sampson

“The LDC Gas Forum is the must attend event for the North American physical gas trading community. Whether in-person or virtual, Christy and her team develop a program, year after year, that is informative and provides outstanding networking opportunities. As a past attendee, speaker, and sponsor, I look forward to a return to normal and an ability to meet in person. By the way, the Chicago pizza tour is great.”
— Sam Andrus, President, Carina Energy Consulting

“Even virtually, the 2020 November Forum provided a wealth of timely information and worthwhile panels of industry leaders.”
— Donnie Sharp, Senior Natural Gas Supply Coordinator, Huntsville Utilities

“There is so much great information at the forums. The virtual participation as been extremely helpful and beneficial to me. Christy and the Forum Team’s tireless energy and enthusiasm is a big reason why the Forums are so good! Keep up the great work and thanks for keeping us all “connected”! “The forum provided valuable information on the natural gas industry and I cannot give enough kudos to Christy and her team. To pull off a combination virtual and on-site conference without any material hiccups (that I know of), is amazing!”
— Eric Schiffer, FTI Consulting

“The sharing of information at the Forum is very valuable and greatly appreciated. Much needed resource for the Gas Industry!”
— Sam Thigpen, CEO, Sapphire Gas Solutions

“Sequent Energy Management has a longstanding and valuable relationship with the LDC Gas Forums. We continue to support the Forums because of the quality programs, the networking opportunities with the industry’s best leaders and the incredible effort put into keeping the program topics contemporary and relevant. This newly announced US-Mexico Gas Forum is another example of an event that is timely and meaningful to our industry. Sequent Energy Management is taking a leading role to serve the growing natural gas needs of neighboring Mexico, as demonstrated in our support of this new Forum and the markets it represents. Just like we have for over 15 years, Sequent Energy Management is pleased to again sponsor all the LDC Gas Forums in 2017, including our lead role for this new program in San Antonio.”
— Marshall Lang, President, Sequent Energy Management

“With the Gulf region becoming the epicenter for demand growth in North America, LDC Forum’s Global outreach with the upcoming LNG networking event in 2019 (the “Gulf Coast Energy Forum”) is incredibly well timed. Next year, the lion-share of the U.S. LNG first wave facilities will be online and the country will be officially open for export business. In order to better understand how the domestic natural gas industry will evolve over the next decade, it is critical for the marketplace to engage in a meaningful dialogue on trade.”
— Teri Viswanath, Lead Economist – Power, Energy & Water, CoBank

“There are so many conferences to consider to attend and participate in discussing Mexico but the US-Mexico Forum is one of the best places to learn and share information with the industry.”
— Joanne MacGillivray, Customer Support Mgr., Atmospheric G2

“Thanks so much for all your hard work putting on the US-Mexico Forum. The contacts alone made it worth attending but the program was also excellent.”
— Tom Haywood, Senior Markets Reporter, Energy Intelligence

“I really enjoyed the Forum! Exceeded my expectations!”
— Eyas Abdeen, Utility Program Analyst, County of Santa Clara

“I look forward already to the next conference. It was a great experience and a wonderful networking opportunity.”
— Dominique Franck, Sales Manager, S&P Global Platts

“I was very impressed with my first experience at the Southeast LDC Forum! Hats off to the team for a great meeting!”
— Rich Wilburn, Sr. Originator – Fuels and Systems Optimization, Duke Energy Corp

“Well organized group of events. Always beneficial and entertaining, and we look forward to supporting in 2019.”
— Zachary Shaaban

“I find the LDC Forum to be beneficial in so many ways. I enjoy all the presenters and the wealth of information they share, the networking opportunities before and after the daily events, and have found the Monday afternoon activities to be very educational. The topics and speakers were enlightening and all the logistics went smoothly. Thank you so much for all the hard work that you and your team put into this event!”
— Jeff May, Manager of Energy Resources, Central Hudson Gas & Electric

“The Forum brings us all together at one time! It is a great opportunity to connect with our counterparties!”
— Buck Guinn, CPS Energy

“It was my first LDC Forum and I thought it was fabulous! Thank you and I hope I have another opportunity to attend next year!”
— Janet A. Prag, National Grid

“Best bang for the buck…and I mean every word…Biggest fan”
— Roseanne Bartimo

“Sponsoring the LDC Gas Forum is simply, smart money! We look forward to participating in future Forums!”
“LDC Gas Forums are the industry event to meet with everyone doing business with Natural Gas. Attending these events is a high priority for our company. The Natural Gas Industry Event. The Place to meet everyone in the business”
— Ken Yagelski, Southern Company

“Top tier industry event for natural gas! Informative, well attended and FUN!”
— Paul Rossi, DLA Energy

“LDC Gas Forum continues to be a great place to network with industry peers and hear various perspectives on industry issues”
— Tim Sherwood, Vice President, Gas Supply, Southern Company Gas

“This was the best Forum we have ever attended….all the decision makers were there!! With US LNG now being exported to countries around the world, we’re excited about the opportunities it’s creating for our customers and the natural gas market as a whole. This Forum has a great program, and we’re looking forward to networking, and to hearing from leading voices in the LNG market.”
— Kathy Hood, ICE

“We have had a great deal of prospects from the LDC Gas Forums and we always look forward to them!!”
— David Kailbourne, CEO, REV LNG

“This was our first time as a sponsor at the LDC Forum. I attended many times before, but sponsoring made the difference. In particular, having a kiosk allowed us to network with industry colleagues and proved to be a great channel for sharing all of the exciting things happening at our organization.”
— David Irussi, Director, Gas Origination & Business Development, SJRG

“The Forum is not only a great place to network with current customers and colleagues, but also provides a unique opportunity to develop new relationships within the industry. I’ve met so many people at the Forum over the past several years I’ve attended and it’s been a great experience!”
— Jesse Blair, Synthica Energy, LLC

“This is the first of the LDC Forum events I’ve attended in a number of years, and it was excellent, from the selection of the hotel, to the excellence of the speaker roster, to basic amenities such as audio-visual and refreshments, to the breadth and quality of the population of attendees. I highly recommend this series as a great way to know what’s going on in the gas industry.”
— Rick Smead, RBN Energy LLC

“The LDC Gas Forum provides participants with an unparalleled platform from which to network with industry leaders from across the continent while keeping abreast of the latest developments and intelligence impacting our industry, and all in real time. It’s as essential as it is invaluable.”
— Charles Bird, Earnscliffe Strategy Group

“I frequently attend the LDC Gas Forums in Chicago, Boston and Toronto. I leave each Forum with new knowledge gained, with fresh ideas that allow me to execute my business in a more effective way.” “LDC is a cadillac event for getting insight on the markets and information on the Natural Gas Industry.”“The information I received was top notch and it was good to catch up with acquaintances and friends that I have developed over the years because of the Forum.””The value of the Forums is the information I get. There is something new I always learn.”
— Nick Petruzzella, Six Nations Gas

“Once again, the LDC Forum delivered one of the most well rounded conferences in the business on natural gas markets and trends in the West. We were proud to be a sponsor and appreciated the interaction with the many delegates who attended.”
— Greg Hopper

“The LDC forums are always well organized with timely and informative industry topics. The Forum staff definitely makes it a priority to promote networking, with a goal of improving business interactions for attendees throughout the event. The staff works very hard to make sure everyone has a productive and enjoyable time during the Forums.”
— Harry Ono, Black Hills Corporation

“The #1 place in the Natural Gas World to network, meet your friends and do business!I have to say that with all of the choices out there for industry conferences, the newest and best gathering place has to be San Antonio for the US/Mexico Gas Forum. The Forums always do such a great job organizing and managing their events, and they always seem to bring in the participants that matter. It was a great relief to see attendees from both sides of the border, as well as most all the significant contributors to the market. We’ve definitely added this to our annual calendar. The Forums have such a rich history of developing insightful and informative conferences, so I have no doubt that the new Gulf Coast Energy Forum in New Orleans, October 2019, should be yet another have-to place to belong if you’re trying to keep up with all of the rapidly changing energy landscape. I’m sure I’ll be there.”
— Dr. Jim Duncan, The International Research Institute for Climate and Society, Earth Institute, Columbia University, and Co-founder Latigo Energy Group

“An excellent opportunity to talk about the hot issues of the day.”
— Nick Schultz, CAPP

“The Forums have served well as a place to strengthen old relationships and begin & build new ones. With many of our vendors attending, it has been a great place to cover alot of ground with many people at one place & time.”
— Steve Henderson, Patriots Energy Group

“We love the Gas Forums – best events of the year!”
— Jeff Tounge, Newline Energy
“Some of the biggest gas producers, marketers and midstream attended”
— Adela Guillaumin, Commercial Analyst, Techgen
“This was by far the most relevant and informative forum I’ve been to in a long time, if not ever”
— Aaron Goetze, Manager, Natural Gas, ICE
“Great variety of speakers covered economic and regulatory outlook as well as emerging opportunities without being repetitive”
— Travis Willoughby, Business Development, Allegro
“Best natural gas conference related to US-Mexico developments”
— Tom Bankert, President, TB Consulting
“All around fantastic conference. The speakers and their subject matters were outstanding.The Gas Suppliers panel was the best I have experienced (which is all of them including some I sat on). Looking forward to next year.”
— Tom Roth, Roth Energy Company
“I always look forward to the forum…it’s a great opportunity to gain new market knowledge and reconnect with business associates I haven’t seen in a while.”
— Barney Darr, Newfield Exploration
“The LDC Forum has always been one of the better venues for gas industry folks to get together, hear about the latest changes in the industry, hear from the end user community and provide an opportunity/forum to network. This year has been especially beneficial as the gas industry is seeing some of its most significant changes in years.”
— Rhonda Pantoja, Sequent Energy
“The LDC Gas Forum is the best event in the country!”
— Vadim Vronksy, VTradeCapital GP, U.S.A.
“I thought the quality and quantity of information presented was excellent. You did a fantastic job coordinating the event. I look forward to attending the LDC Gas Forum in the future.”
— Eric Cucksee, Mohawk Industries
“The LDC Gas Forum is the BEST CONFERENCE of the year ~ bringing together the major players in the Gas Industry.”
— Rosalie Roth, Southern California Edison
“Over the years I have found the LDC Forums to be an excellent venue for meeting with regions gas LDC and pipeline representatives, as well as suppliers and otherstakeholders in an informatl setting where we can freely exchange ideas. In my experience, the presenters always provide up-to date insight on the latest news and events that affect the industry now and help attendees better understand where the industry is heading.”
— Andreas D. Thanos, MA D.P.U.
“The LDC Gas Forums continue to be a fantastic value for us.Rarely do we have the opportunity to have so many of our clients and potential clients in one venue.”
— Mike Prokop
“We love sponsoring the Forums! Very organized, great content, and all the key players are there”
— Shawn Sparks, Fidessa
“Insight and experience, brought together for the benefit of us all”
— Himonshu Pandey, Burbank Water and Power
“The LDC Forums are the best venue for networking in the industry. All your counter parties at one conference”
— Rob Lindroos, Manager, Marketing, Seneca Resources
“A nice, broad prospective about the state of Natural Gas and the opportunities ahead”
— Don Garland, DLA Energy
“I came away with a much stronger understanding of the completions of the Nat Gas market in the Midwest and appreciate all of the speakers. Lucid assesssments of the market fundamentals”
— Kyle Ray, Analyst, Asphalt Materials Inc
“Outstanding venue for networking with representation across the spectrum of interests from up, mid, and downstream interests, in addition to service industries. Definitely a must-attend event.”
— Jeff Welch
“Comprehensive array of expertise in this industry. Good speakers kept audience captured”
— Ron Mills, Product Manager, Latitude Technologies Inc.
“The Forums really are valuable to a buyer like me…I have been in energy for about 34 years and I always recommend the Forums to others!!”
— Jim McDonald, Dart
“I greatly enjoyed the NE LDC Forum, it was my first time attending and it was a great networking event and very educational”
— Walt McCarter, Summit Utilities, Inc
“This year’s Southeast LDC Forum is another success. It reminds me how special the LDC Forum meetings are. They are such a convenient place to connect with old friends and develop new relationships. They are so effective that we often take these conferences for granted. We should not forget how much we can leverage our time and company budgets at these events”
— Michael Holt, NG Advantage
“As a first time Forum attendee, I really enjoyed the experience and networking”
— Jim Devine, Vice President, Business Development, REV LNG LLC
“I wanted to email you personally and let you know that I found the event very valuable. More importantly, I thank you and your team for everything. You were all very polite and helpful.”
— David Ocanas, Grupo Dragon
“This was a tremendous opportunity to understand the future of natural gas, the challenges that are ahead of us, and to network with others within the industry.”
— Jake Ewing, VP of Sales and Marketing, Hydria Energy Technologies
“The Natural Gas Forum provided insight and information about how the industry is being impacted and responding to unprecedented challenges. The speakers were well informed and the topics of discussion were all interesting.”
— Dawn Golden, SVP Business Development, Morningstar Commodity Data, Inc.
“I know you were complemented many times for the success of last week’s Forum in San Antonio. I am so glad I came – it reminded me how valuable this information is for gas buyers, and I’m assuming for others as well. Please pass on to your sponsors that this is very valuable for gas buyers and we look forward to being able to meet and interact with more of the sponsors in person in the future.”
“Not your usual gas conference. Great speakers and even better Attendees”
— Keith Venable, Dir., Business Development, WHC Energy Services
“Amazing time to network with your network, and meet new people”
— Michael Snaayd, Sales, FIS
“Don’t bother going to other conferences. This one is the best.”
“A great place to discuss and learn about markets, regulations and technology affecting NG while builfing lasting relationships in the industry”
— Bob Truman, Principal, RBT Consulting, LLC
“LDC Natural Gas Forums are the best place to learn about the market and make valuable business connections”
— Greg Davis, Sr. Strategic Sourcing Manager, Superior Essex
“By bringing the industry’s leaders together to learn, network, and share ideas shows the endless commitment to providing the best and most reliable services to our consumers”
— Sharmiko Weston, Gas Operations Specialist, Ameren Illinois
“The Forums provide an opportunity for impactful dialogue and meaningful networking with key market participants at a time when the energy transition is becoming an increasingly important part of the conversation”
— Kirsten Higgins, Senior Director of Sales, Voluntary Products, Anew
“The forum is a great chance to learn and hear what the future may bring while networking and building relationships”
— Eric Salsbury, Sr. Business Consultant II, Consumers Energy
“I love the networking opportunities!”
— Kyle Hamrick, Repsol
“Fantastic job in Savannah at the LDC Forum! I give you guys a “10”!! I know it is tremendous amount of work and I thought it was extremely well done! Congrats!”
— Reid Cavnar, Managing Director, Stifel Public Finance
“Most informative meeting I attend all year”
— Tim Whitson, General Manager, Unicoi County Gas
“LDC-Network is a family within the Industry”
— Willie Comardelle, Business Development Manager, Five S Group
“It’s nice to put a face with a name!”
— Melissa Griffith, Director of Operations, Enspire Energy
“My first LDC Gas Forum won’t be the last – fantastic networking opportunities and engaging speakers. See you next year!”
— Broderick Dodd, Lead Commodities Analyst, MMWEC
“The LDC Gas Forums gave me greater insight into the Natural Gas Industry. I learned that we can all work together to provide a diversified solution by utilizing a low-carbon fuel solution to meet our customers needs.”
—David Canales, Director of Sales (RNG), Maas Energy Works
“Christy and team does an amazing job. The events and hearing the awesome speakers were amazing”
“The Southeast LDC forum was very well attended this year. I was running around the entire time. Great to see you and great event!”
-Elizabeth Wolohan, Director Energy Acquisition, Washington Gas Light Company (WGL)
“Wanted to send a quick note to say “great job” again! The networking and events were excellent as always. Thank you for all your work”
-Andrew James, Natural Gas Origination, Carolinas, Duke Energy Corporation
“This was my first year in the “first” gas buying chain. The conference was invaluable in terms of networking and making new connections.”
-Eric Salsbury, Principal Financial Analyst, Consumers Energy
Have a testimonial about the Forums? Send us your quote!