
“I would like to thank you and all at LDC for an excellent forum in NOLA. I thought the speakers and panels were exceptional. The location, networking events, and food were all wonderful.”
Jon Hammond, Senior Director – Energy, Allianz Trade

“With US LNG now being exported to countries around the world, we’re excited about the opportunities it’s creating for our customers and the natural gas market as a whole. This Forum has a great program, and we’re looking forward to networking, and to hearing from leading voices in the LNG market.”
Kathy Hood, ICE

“With the Gulf region becoming the epicenter for demand growth in North America, LDC Forum’s Global outreach with the upcoming LNG networking event in 2019 (the “Gulf Coast Energy Forum”) is incredibly well timed. Next year, the lion-share of the U.S. LNG first wave facilities will be online and the country will be officially open for export business. In order to better understand how the domestic natural gas industry will evolve over the next decade, it is critical for the marketplace to engage in a meaningful dialogue on trade.”
Teri Viswanath

“The Forums have such a rich history of developing insightful and informative conferences, so I have no doubt that the new Gulf Coast Energy Forum in New Orleans, October 2019, should be yet another have-to place to belong if you’re trying to keep up with all of the rapidly changing energy landscape. I’m sure I’ll be there.”
Dr. Jim Duncan, President, The Center for ESG and Sustainability

“Well organized group of events . Always beneficial and entertaining, and we look forward to supporting in 2019.”
Zachary Shaaban
“The people make the event – the information shared is lagniappe!
Willie Comardelle, Business Development Manager, Five S Group
“The more people you meet, the greater visibility.”
Dean Bohlman, Media, LNG Cluster
“The Gulf Coast Energy Forum provided an in-depth view of future trends and realities for energy and carbon management.”
Roland Woodard, Manager – Energy Supply & Transportation, Ergon, Inc.
“The Forum is growing as the markets expand. If you can attend any conference, this is it”
Eric Smith, Associate Director, Tulane University